Equinox and its divisions Sensory Lab, Technical Logistics and River Support perform research and development, sourcing, supply, support and assistance in the areas of data security, forensics, technical logistics, safety and security equipment, sensory products, flavour and fragrance technology, media solutions, accessible technologies and products for people with disabilities and additional needs.

Our founders created the Equinox project in the 1980s with the goal of raising awareness of social issues, and doing something about these issues using skills, experience, contacts and technology.

To achieve these aims we did a number of things, we reported on news and current affairs through photojournalism, video film-making and research, and we started researching and developing solutions to some of the issues we cared about, through technology, particularly sensory technologies.

This led to the diverse activities of our company today with teams in the following key areas.

  • Equinox Licensing is the umbrella beneath which the divisions of our organisation sit. It coordinates the different groups, and manages and sells the products on this website. Your purchases here are charged and invoiced by Equinox Licensing Limited.

  • Equinox Features is the media team reporting on news, current affairs and social issues.

    Equinox Features has provided news research, photojournalism, video journalism, photographic and other imaging solutions for national media organisations for more than 30 years, working for some of the largest news publishers in the UK. We provided technical support delivering breaking news images in the days when data transmission involved analogue modems over dial-up PSTN lines, leading on to ISDN and finally FTP transmission quickly delivering images from photographers to the destination newspaper’s print pages and news websites.

    For ethical and data protection reasons Equinox Features editorial operations are handled separately from our support and advocacy organisation’s activities.

    All of our journalists, researchers, photojournalists, video journalists and editors are committed to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity and are all members of one or more of the following professional organisations and holders of the UKPCA national press card.

    NUJ - National Union of Journalists

    BPPA - British Press Photographers Association

    BECTU - Prospect

    IFJ - International Federation of Journalists

    FFR - Frontline Freelance Register

  • Sensory Lab is the sensory products and technology team.

    The sensory aspect of all of our work is a particular focus for us. We believe it is important to enhance people’s experience of the world in diverse ways through their various senses.

    Sensory Lab has been researching and developing sensory solutions for many years, particularly as trends have changed, and vegan, vegetarian and ethically sourced sustainable products have become more popular and available.

    Our team have a detailed understanding of how technology can be used to affect the senses through flavour and fragrance, to tactile products, and those that stimulate the audio and visual senses.

    We use this knowledge to source and supply popular and hard to find products and sensory ingredients such as flavour and fragrance raw materials for perfumers, flavourists, sensory scientists and academic researchers.

    We have also recently started our sensory material reference library project. This is a project with the aim of building a comprehensive reference collection of the widest range of flavour and fragrance raw materials, including those which have been discontinued or are hard to obtain. The purpose of this collection is to preserve the art and techniques of flavour and fragrance science as materials disappear and new ones are developed.

    We believe it is important to network and share knowledge within the flavour and fragrance industry, with this in mind we are pleased that our key sensory researcher has been accepted as an affiliate member of the British Society of Perfumers.

  • Technical Logistics is the technical products, services and solutions group.

    Our focus in different but related fields led to us developing a unique range of technical abilities in many areas. Through our contacts in security and local government and media we started to receive requests for us to provide our technical skills and to source and supply innovative products and solutions. This led to us adding technical services and equipment supply to our activities. We have used our knowledge and over 30 years of experience to source hard to find and innovative products and solutions for a very diverse range of clients, ranging from government, safety, security and forensics to the media industry, Our range of products include forensic, security, communications, safety and personal protection equipment. We advise on communications, image and data processing, technical workflows and innovative solutions to technical and logistical problems.

  • River Support is the diversity, equality, advocacy and support project.

    Since the global changes in society due to the impact that COVID has had, a recent development for us has been to research and focus attention on equality, disability, neurodiversity, education and accessibility solutions. We use our knowledge of sensory technologies and our experience in technology and the media to discover and supply solutions for people with disabilities, individuals with vulnerabilities, students and others who may have additional learning or support needs. This may include people who have difficulties in communication or information processing and need a sensory or technological solution to help them read, write, process information or to communicate more easily. We feel it is important to use our knowledge of sensory and technology solutions to help a wider more diverse society and to help champion the cause of people who may find it difficult to access products and services.

    We also advocate for those who find it difficult to make their voices heard, to ensure that organisations follow the Equality Act and provide reasonable adjustments to their services to accommodate the needs of all customers, particularly those with additional needs who often find services difficult to use.